St Joseph’s CBS, Summerhill, Nenagh, Co Tipperary
School Uniform
2023- 2024
In September 2012, we introduced our new school uniform. The school uniform is compulsory for all students from September 2013. Our crested school jumpers are available at Slattery’s and Jim Mc Loughney’s in Nenagh. Please ensure that the uniform is clearly labelled with the student's name.
Junior Uniform
Senior Uniform
Blue V-neck Jumper
with grey trim and school crest
White Shirt
Grey Trousers
Black Shoes
Black Jacket with school crest
Purple V-neck jumper
with grey trim and school crest
White Shirt
Grey Trousers
Black Shoes
Black Jacket with school crest
School Shoes
All students must have appropriate school shoes. Shoes must be plain black in colour and leather in appearance. Students may wear navy deck shoes. These are the only type of navy shoes that are permitted. Any form of sports shoe or casual trainer will not be permitted, even if it is black leather. Black leather Converse runners are not permitted. If you have any queries regarding appropriate school shoes, please feel free to contact the school office. Students who arrive to school with incorrect shoes will be asked to replace them.
School Jackets
The only jacket that students will be permitted to wear during the school day will be the School Uniform Jacket. This includes the journey to and from school also. Non-uniform jackets and hoodies will be confiscated and a parent will have to collect it from the office. The black school jacket is available to buy at Slattery’s and Jim Mc Loughney’s. We introduced a new school jacket in 2018. Students may still wear the old school jacket if previously purchased.
No visible body piercings, retainers or plasters will be permitted –as per Code of Behaviour.
Please ensure that your son wears his correct uniform to school every day. If your son wears anything other than the appropriate uniform and footwear to school, he will not be permitted to attend class until the correct uniform is worn.